Friday, August 6, 2010

One Million Giraffes?!

There's this guy, on the internets, right here and now, who's attempting to collect one million giraffe pictures before 2011! He made a bet with his friend who thinks it's absolutely impossible, but so far this guy has managed to collect 955,948! So, there's only 147 days left and he's so close.

This is the part where I ask you all to join in! Go to his website OneMillionGiraffes and submit your drawing of a giraffe. But there are rules...You can't submit anything you didn't make and nothing computer drawn! That's right, take a deep breath. If I did it, you can do it too!

Here's my submission made out of 810 post-its! Sounds more epic then it really is. I couldn't decide which picture is best...:

Send in your giraffes and post a link to them in the comments below! I wanna seeeeeee!


  1. I've wanted to make one, but like my blog, it will never get done, due to my laziness.

  2. Awesome! Thank you so very much for writing this blog post! Here's your giraffe:


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