Monday, July 19, 2010

Things My Mother Drew With My New Tablet

As the title suggest, I finally got a tablet! Which is why my drawings went from this...

To this...

That's because I had been using ms paint. I still do, but not as much.
So, last night my mother came into my room while I was using the tablet. She ooed and awed as I moved my pen around. She looked really excited so I decided to teach her how to use it. Here's what she drew.
First, she attempted to draw a foot. Why did she draw a foot? Because she was complaining about how I draw feet so I challenged her to it. Not so easy, she realized. Oh, and those two bell shaped things in the upper right corner are boobs. Yep, my 50 year old, Hispanic mother drew boobs.
Then she went on to play tic-tac-toe by herself and drew a graph for no apparent reason. She hates math so it would make no sense for her to draw anything potentially related to numbers.

And after nearly 10 minutes of practice, she became more skilled. Now she was drawing at a 2nd grade level! My brother and I were very excited for her. : D As you can see, she did NOT draw any boobs or play line games with herself. Instead, she drew a family fishing in a sea surround by what looks like apple trees and paperclip fishes. Look, she even signed and dated it all professional like.

Ah, my mother. I love her.

1 comment:

  1. Aww thats very cool you can actually see it more sharper! Yay for Tablets!


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